Chocolate Milk Encyclopedia

Hunter Huntsman is a 2013-introduced and all-around character. He is part of both Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Little Red Riding Hood as the next Huntsman, and he is a student at Ever After High. In the destiny conflict, he is on the Rebel side because he refuses to hurt, kill or even eat animals. As the next Huntsman, he can be relied on to jump into action when he thinks someone needs help, ripping off his shirt in one fell swoop. He learned to love Ashlynn Ella, his girlfriend, in peace, while coming out with their relationship.



Little boastful, easily annoyed and distracted, serious,caring, overconfident, nature_ loving


Hunter has tan skin, hazel eyes, and dark brown hair


make anything out of wood in seconds and can make tables and chairs with tree stumps as well.
